Victoria Park

Together with Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner I will protect and expand Brisbane’s precious greenspace by creating the city’s biggest public park in 50 years.

We are committed to protecting and expanding Brisbane’s precious green space, giving people more to see and do in a clean and green Brisbane.

After extensive consultation with local residents, Traditional Owners and some of the world’s best landscape architects, our Vision has been designed by you – for you.

At its heart will be the stunning Lake Barrambin, a 1.4 hectare water way that restores Victoria Park’s original waterways and re-establishes natural cooling, cleansing and drainage systems and providing habitat for our unique wildlife.

Boardwalks and nature trails will meander alongside Lake Barrambin’s shoreline providing the perfect spot to have a picnic, relax or enjoy the many art installations that will tell the story of Brisbane’s history and celebrate its bold and exciting future.

By increasing Victoria Park’s green canopy from 10% to a massive 60 % through the planting of thousands of native trees and plants, the Master Plan delivers on my commitment to ensure Brisbane is clean, green and sustainable.

Unlike the 1990s State Government’s development of the Roma Street Parklands, Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner and I will deliver this landmark project without selling off parkland for development.  It’s a bold plan that create a lasting green legacy everyone can celebrate and is quickly becoming one of Brisbane’s favourite destinations.

It is no surprise that so many residents and visitors alike are coming down to discover what Brisbane’s biggest new park in 50 years has to offer – especially now we’ve released the Master Plan.

In a recent poll of residents, more than one third indicated they have visited Victoria Park in the last 12 months, and since the opening to the public in 2021, nearly 200,000 have voted with their feet and attended events held in the park, from Green Heart Fair to music festivals.

We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback on both the Master Plan and the park itself and I just know how excited the community is as we move into the delivery phase.

New shelters, pathways and furniture are really transforming this into a working parkland and I know the community is looking forward to completion of the Urban Pump Track in Herston and the Spring Hill Common.

The transformation of this 64-hectare green space – which is roughly the size of the City Botanic Gardens, South Bank Parklands and Roma Street combined – is a huge undertaking and it isn’t something we could do without the support and enthusiasm of the community.

In September 2022 we released the Draft Master Plan for another round of community consultation.

The Draft built on almost 51,000 pieces of community feedback from the Victoria Park Vision Phase.

More than three quarters of residents who had their say on the Draft Master Plan were supportive. In politics, we call that a landslide result.

It is important to remember, however, that as excited as we are for the Master Plan to be delivered it is a very-long term project.

Work will continue on Victoria Park for many years to come, in a way that ensures we can deliver the best legacy for residents, with the best value for money

Click HEREto download the Master Plan document


Spring Hill Common 

It was disappointing that mistruths and confusion were perpetuated by the Greens political party, and other social media sites, among the community during the most recent local government elections.

I can confirm what the Lord Mayor has said multiple times before: there will be no lease over the Spring Hill Common.

The Spring Hill Common is a public space that can be booked by residents, community groups, sports clubs – and schools – through our park booking system or through a park user agreement.

This is how every park in Brisbane works.

It is common to see schools across the city using Council parks for sports and outdoor recreation, and I think that is fantastic.

And it’s also important to remember, that while there will be no lease over the Spring Hill Common, our urban parks play a very important role in providing greenspace for local schools.

There’s no reason that a local school could not go through the same park booking system as everyone else to enjoy the Spring Hill Common, and we are committed to balancing these needs.

It is important to remember that despite the Greens’, and others’ campaigns, it was our administration at the Schrinner Council that made the decision to close down the private golf course and return the full 64 hectares of the park to full public access.

While the Greens and their supporters might be happy to spread disinformation around the community, I am not interested in pitting residents against local schools.

We’re getting on with the job of building a fantastic new public space and can’t wait to see it completed.


Click HERE to find out about all the upcoming community events planned in Victoria Park 

May 2022 Newsletter below with Urban Pump Track and Spring Hill Common information.