Local procurement policy delivers $1.8 billion for Local procurement in Brisbane
The Schrinner Council has spent more than $1.8 billion with local businesses as part of its buy local procurement policy.
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said he introduced a new Local Buy Procurement Policy in mid-2019 to lift the amount of Council spend going to local businesses to 80 per cent. In 2017-18 local buy was at 67 per cent.
“I’m incredibly proud that since mid-2019 just over 80 per cent of the procurement spend, or $1.8 billion, has gone directly into the pockets of local businesses,” Cr Schrinner said.
“In the past month almost 85 per cent, equalling $84.1 million of goods and services were procured local.
“This financial year to date more than $14 million of the procurement spend went to 39 social enterprises, including Multhana Property Services, Animal Welfare league of Queensland, Diverciti Services and Help Enterprises.
“By investing in local companies, we are supporting and generating jobs for residents and injecting money back into the Brisbane economy.
“At every opportunity, I want the Schrinner Council to back and buy local and this is something I am extremely passionate about.
“I’m extremely pleased that in the two-short years since I introduced this policy, we have achieved our 80 per cent target, including well exceeding it at times.”
For more info on what we are doing for Business in Brisbane just visit https://vickihoward.com and https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/about-council/governance-and-strategy/business-in-brisbane