I am pleased to let you know the start of construction of the fourth and final stage of the Anzac Square restoration and enhancement project began in late May 2018.
The project is a joint initiative between the Queensland Government, Australian Government and Brisbane City Council.
Features of the project include:
improving accessibility to and through Anzac Square with enhanced pathways, staircases and a lift
installing new plants and landscaping, with some unhealthy plants to be replaced
installing new memorial screens along the walkways
providing a new entrance to the WWI memorial through Anzac Square
improved signage
installing LED lights in the existing heritage light poles
improving seating and paved areas
fitting-out the area that currently houses the post- WWII memorials for exhibitions and events
installing interactive technology to allow visitors to learn more about the State’s war memorial.
Throughout construction the local community can expect temporary footpath closures and detours around the site, construction noise, increased truck movements and low levels of vibration and dust. Signage will be in place to help pedestrians navigate the temporary closures. The memorial galleries will also be closed during the project.
The majority of works will be completed prior to Remembrance Day, Sunday 11 November 2018, with the remaining works to be completed by early 2019.
Construction will take place between 7am and 5pm Monday to Saturday. Council is committed to keeping the community informed of construction in their area and will provide advance notification of out-of-hours activities.
Every effort will be made to minimise disruption to the local community during the project and Council would like to thank the community for their patience and understanding during these works.
If you have any questions please contact the project team during business hours on 1800 669 416 or email For information outside of business hours call Council’s 24-hour Contact Centre on 3403 8888.