Fired-up residents help allow use of backyard fire pits to continue
Residents put the heat on to secure use of backyard fire pits
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner has revealed an enormous community campaign of fired-up residents help allow use of backyard fire pits to continue.
Cr Schrinner said, as of today, Council will continue allowing the safe use of backyard braziers and above-ground fire pits until local laws are changed, following an outpour of social media engagements, emails and petitions.
“Residents have been truly keen to keep backyard fire pits burning. Around 96 per cent of social media interactions and emails, as well as three petitions, were all in support of the continued use of backyard fire pits,” Cr Schrinner said.
“People power initiated the three-month winter trial, during which fire pits were much-loved by the community for backyard gatherings and a way to create a more authentic backyard camping experience.
“Throughout the trial, residents assured us they could use their fire pits safely, and I am pleased to report residents largely did the right thing, with no warnings or fines issued.
“As a result of the trial’s success and a solid effort by the community to voice their support for the trial, we are now working to amend the Health, Safety and Amenity Local Law to formally make the change permanent. But as of now, backyard fire pit use can continue.
Environment, Parks and Sustainability Chair Fiona Cunningham said strict guidelines for backyard fire pit use still remained.
“I want all residents to continue the awesome job they are doing of using their backyard braziers and fire pits safely and to not get complacent,” Cr Cunningham said.
“This means minimising smoke impacts on neighbours by using clean, dry wood, gas, ethanol or charcoal fuel, fully extinguishing fire with water and ensuring kids are supervised around fire.
“As we approach storm and bushfire season, I urge residents to keep up to date with any fire bans and not light any fires if bans are in place.
“Fire-pits and braziers should not be used on balconies of apartment buildings or in small spaces where smoke may cause a nuisance to neighbours, like small blocks and courtyards.”
Further guidance as to what could minimise the safety risks and smoke impacts are outlined on Council’s website www.brisbane.qld.gov.au.
Council and Kidsafe Queensland fire tips video can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk1r4WAl6pQ.