Free Green Waste Disposal
Brisbane residents are being encouraged to take advantage of free green waste disposal over the next three weekends to prepare their properties for the upcoming storm and bush fire seasons.
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said residents could head to any of Council’s resource recovery centres in Chandler, Nudgee, Willawong and Ferny Grove over the next three weekends and pay nothing to dispose and recycle their green waste.
“During last year’s free green waste weekends there were almost 7400 trips to our tips and more than 1300 tonnes of green waste recycled for free,” Cr Schrinner said.
“These free green waste drop-off weekends mean residents can bypass the standard disposal fees, hold onto their free waste vouchers and just drive in and dispose of green waste including palm fronds, weeds, bark and other garden waste.
“We keep all these backyard by-products out of landfill with all green waste turned into mulch and compost and much of it reused in our own projects, such as land rehabilitation.”
Cr Schrinner said the free weekends helped residents get a head start in preparing their properties for storm and bushfire seasons.
“Severe storms can occur anytime from now until March next year, so we want everyone to make the most of our free green waste recycling weekends to help get properties ready,” he said.
“Bushfires are also a risk over the coming months, especially with the current weather conditions, so it’s important to clear and remove undergrowth near buildings and rake up bark, leaves and twigs.
“With three consecutive free green waste weekends, this gives residents plenty of time to clean up their property and make the most of a free trip to the tip.”
Outside of these dates, residents can use their waste vouchers or register for Council’s green waste recycling service.
- September 11 & 12
- September 18 & 19
- September 25 & 26
- kitchen waste, including fruit and vegetable scraps
- animal droppings
- plastic, paper and glass recycling
- general waste
- large logs, branches and stumps
For more information on how we at the Schrinner Council are delivering a cleaner environment just visit https://vickihoward.com/brisbane-city-coucnils-solar-panels-reach-7000-at-40-sites/ and https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/clean-and-green