With Infrastructure Chairman Cr Cooper at the site for the new on-ramp to the ICB
Having a connected, flexible and sustainable transport network means we can easily commute to work, conduct business, access lifestyle and leisure opportunities, and visit family and friends, and is fundamental to maintaining our high quality of life.
That’s why we are committed to making sure Brisbane’s transport network continues to support our city’s liveability and economic prosperity into the future.
Council’s last transport plan was released in 2008 and I am proud of what we have achieved over the past nine years to get residents home quicker and safer with more transport options.
We have delivered $7 billion of infrastructure under the TransApex plan, made our bus fleet 100% air-conditioned and wheelchair and pram accessible, and are taking real action on traffic congestion with more than 90 congestion-busting suburban road projects.
We are delivering Australia’s most modern public and active transport, including the new 21km, high-frequency Brisbane Metro. We will also invest $100 million in dedicated bikeways and active travel options between 2016 and 2020.
But we know there’s more to be done to ensure our city has the services and infrastructure it needs to meet the needs of future generations.
As Brisbane continues to grow and evolve, we need to take a more innovative and visionary approach to transport planning.
The new Transport Plan for Brisbane — Strategic Directions will guide the evolution of our transport network over the next 25 years and beyond. It will support Council’s vision for a connected city, where transport enhances liveability, supports business and investment, takes advantage of new technology and delivers integrated and flexible solutions.
It will identify opportunities to partner with private industry and other levels of government, so we can deliver smart and sustainable solutions for you.
Brisbane’s transport future is an exciting one. With the release of the draft plan, I encourage everyone to have their say and share your vision for the future of travel in Brisbane.
Together we can continue to move our city forward and make Brisbane the most liveable city in the world.
Have your say toad at this link – https://yoursay.brisbane.qld.gov.au/TP4B
Regulated Parking Permit Amending Local Law 2018 Consultation
We all know Brisbane is growing, and growing fast; particularly here in the inner city.
The State Government requires Brisbane to ensure an additional 188,200 dwellings are delivered by 2041 to cater for population growth. This State requirement is a big challenge for our City.
We have to plan to make sure we can continue to enjoy the very things that make Brisbane great.
One area I am working hard on is striking the right balance of street parking with population growth. It’s not going to be easy and hard decisions will have to be made, and I would like to hear your views.
Brisbane City Council is currently reviewing the operation of the residential parking permit system. This is the beginning of a journey of continuous improvement for the residential parking permit system and your feedback is vital.
With both an ageing population, and an increasingly active and mobile young population in the inner city, I would like to hear what you think about potential :
● Carer and community permits ● Business permits
● Car share permits ● Pensioner discounts.
Currently these types of permits do not exist and I’d like to know if they would be valuable to you, your household or your business?
Would you use them if they were made available? How should they operate and what potential restrictions should be placed around their usage? I would like to hear from everyone in your household.
Please email me today at central.ward@bcc.qld.gov.au with your feedback and I’ll make sure it is taken into account by Brisbane City Council’s Transport Planning and Strategy Branch. Your feedback needs to be received by 2 March 2018.
More information on this consultation can be found at this link – https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-permits/local-laws/register-local-laws-notices?utm_source=corphome&utm_medium=promo&utm_campaign=promo_corphome_parking_permit_local_law#Regulated