New Farm Park is a beloved local park and an iconic heritage place. The Lord Mayor and I are committed to preserving it so that it continues to be enjoyed by residents for generations to come.
City Plan recognises the park as a local heritage asset and it also has State Government heritage protections. It is further protected through the New Farm Park Conservation Management Plan.
We’re delivering works this year to ensure the park remains pedestrian friendly and is more accessible for everyone. This will include:
• A brand new ‘green’ active travel entrance for pedestrians and cyclists (no vehicle access) at the original park entry on Brunswick Street. It’s the area currently cordoned off by large yellow gates near the Soccer Club. We’ll remove the gates, and make the area pedestrian and wheelchair friendly.
• Two new raised zebra crossing points to slow down vehicles and make the park more pedestrian friendly.
• A dedicated pick-up/drop-off area and disability accessible parking spaces near the well-used Community Composting Hub and main children’s playground.
Council has been successful in receiving a Federal Government grant for these necessary pedestrian improvements and work is planned to commence in mid-2021.
Importantly, I am also pleased to let you know that I will work together with residents on a renewed community vision and concept plan for New Farm Park later this year.
This will guide the delivery of future improvements to the park, like a new accessible amenities block and other ideas raised by residents. At all times, Council will ensure any proposed works or concepts are consistent with the Conservation Management Plan to preserve the park’s heritage values.
Have a look at the plan below and let me know if you have any questions about our pedestrian friendly plans for New Farm Park.

New Farm Park Pedestrian Improvements