New rules coming for Brisbane short-stay accommodation users and operators
New rules coming as Brisbane Budget 24/25 - Short Stay Accommodation includes reform Major reforms to help strike a better balance between the need for short-stay accommodation and the concerns of neighbours will [...]
Election commitments delivered in 2024/25 Budget
CityCats to Howard Smith Wharves - Budget 24/25 - Election Commitments Delivered The 2024-25 Budget confirms our Schrinner Council’s commitments to keep Brisbane moving while taking pressure off household rates and rents. The [...]
Brisbane residents get a balanced Budget and the cheapest rates in SEQ
Keeping Our Community Safe - Council Balanced Budget 2024/25 I'd delighted to let you know the Council Balanced Budget 2024/25 will retain the cheapest residential rates in south east Queensland under the Schrinner Council’s 2024-25 Budget. [...]
Report a Pothole In Central Ward
Fixing Potholes - Keeping Brisbane Moving Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner and I thank the hard-working Council crews for their efforts filling potholes which have increased as a result of recent weather events. Water [...]
Adelaide Street King George Square Artist Impression Like me, you are probably a frequent public transport user. Our high frequency buses are significant connectors for our peninsula area - improving our public transport service [...]
Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation
HSW Cliff remediation Map Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation We will be undertaking works to remediate the Howard Smith Wharves cliffs from late January 2024. Since we created your Howard Smith Wharves [...]