Fixing Potholes – Keeping Brisbane Moving
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner and I thank the hard-working Council crews for their efforts filling potholes which have increased as a result of recent weather events.
Water is enemy number one when it comes to the conditions of our roads.
The extraordinary rain events we continue to experience damage our roads and we want to thank those Council repair crews who are out every day responding quickly to reports from residents about potholes – particularly in harsh weather.
We are committed to ensuring Brisbane residents get home sooner and safer so repairing roads is vital – Please report potholes to us so they could be repaired quickly.
As the biggest local government in Australia, Brisbane also has the largest amount of bitumen with a total road network of 5760 kilometres, so we always encourage residents to let us know whenever they see pothole.
Complete the form below and officers will triage and prioritise the repair.
Divots in the roadway can often be caused by sunken utility company (QUU, Gas) lids , rather than potholes. Please report utility asset repair request to central.ward@bcc.qld.gov.au and we will let the appropriate utility company know to repair their asset.
Report a Pothole in Central Ward
Report a Pothole in Central Ward