Waste reforms to help households recycle more and spend less

Waste reforms to help households recycle more and spend less   The Schrinner Council will launch a detailed investigation into waste reforms to investigate cost-effective ways to help residents reduce the amount of waste thrown into red bins and landfill. The investigation will add to commitments detailed in the Schrinner Council’s Towards Zero [...]

Waste reforms to help households recycle more and spend less2024-06-12T03:36:29+00:00

Election commitments delivered in 2024/25 Budget

CityCats to Howard Smith Wharves - Budget 24/25 - Election Commitments Delivered  The 2024-25 Budget confirms our Schrinner Council’s commitments to keep Brisbane moving while taking pressure off household rates and rents. The $4 billion Budget incorporates Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner’s suite of election commitments, including the return of $2 Summer Dips, new [...]

Election commitments delivered in 2024/25 Budget2024-06-12T02:44:27+00:00

Brisbane residents get a balanced Budget and the cheapest rates in SEQ

Keeping Our Community Safe - Council Balanced Budget 2024/25 I'd delighted to let you know the Council Balanced Budget 2024/25 will retain the cheapest residential rates in south east Queensland under the Schrinner Council’s 2024-25 Budget. The $4 billion Budget meets Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner’s election commitment to restrain spending, prioritise addressing rising living costs and [...]

Brisbane residents get a balanced Budget and the cheapest rates in SEQ2024-06-12T02:33:07+00:00

Report a Pothole In Central Ward

Fixing Potholes - Keeping Brisbane Moving Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner and I thank the hard-working Council crews for their efforts filling potholes which have increased as a result of recent weather events. Water is enemy number one when it comes to the conditions of our roads. The extraordinary rain events we continue to [...]

Report a Pothole In Central Ward2024-02-16T00:34:24+00:00

Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation

HSW Cliff remediation Map Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation   We will be undertaking works to remediate the Howard Smith Wharves cliffs from late January 2024. Since we created your Howard Smith Wharves lifestyle precinct, I have organised for our teams to proactively manage the cliff face through regular monitoring and maintenance.  We [...]

Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation2024-02-13T01:42:59+00:00

James Street potential BLACK SPOT Upgrades

James Robertson Doggett CONCEPT 2024   Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner and I want to get you home sooner and safer on our roads.   That’s why we support sensible solutions that keep our roads accessible to vehicles so you can get to where you work, rest, or play whether by car or public [...]

James Street potential BLACK SPOT Upgrades2024-01-19T04:55:58+00:00


We all know there has been an increase in dog registrations since the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic. So many new dog registrations mean that there are more and more users of our Dog Off Leash Areas across the city. In 2024 I’d like to upgrade the Victoria Park Dog Park behind the Centenary [...]


Kerbside Collection 2025

Kerbside Collection in 2025   The Schrinner Council will kick off another financial year of the free kerbside collection services, where residents will be able to dispose of large household items for free, saving costs and reducing illegal dumping in our suburbs. Items must be placed on the kerbside by 6am on the [...]

Kerbside Collection 20252024-12-19T00:28:31+00:00

Works progress to unclog Brisbane’s bus bottleneck

Adelaide Street King George Square and Unclog Brisbane's Bus Bottleneck   Ten bus stops in the King George Square and Queen Street bus stations will undergo significant improvement works so commuters can seamlessly enter and exit Brisbane Metros.   Transport Chair Ryan Murphy said the bus stops would be temporarily relocated from 11 December until [...]

Works progress to unclog Brisbane’s bus bottleneck2023-12-06T02:37:19+00:00
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