Clean Up Australia Day
This year Brisbane is again proud to be part of Clean Up Australia Day in partnership with sustainability agency CitySmart.
Clean Up Australia Day is one of our biggest clean-ups, and we cover a fair bit of ground across the city.
Hundreds of clean-up sites are registered by schools, businesses, youth groups and community groups across Brisbane because we all know that keeping Brisbane clean, green and litter-free is something we can all do with simple actions.
Your help in picking up litter, combined with Council’s litter bins and street cleaning, will make a big difference to our city.
We’ve also seen litter in the CBD reduced by approximately 47% since 2009, but it’s not just on Clean Up Australia Day that we can make a difference – Council has an initiative called ‘104 or More’.
This is where we encourage everyone to picks up two pieces of litter per week, every week of the year.
If every resident picked up 104 pieces of litter, our streets, bushlands and waterways would be a lot cleaner.
As part of the ‘104 or More’ initiative, Council can also help organisations, community groups and schools organise litter clean-ups in their local area.
Register for my local, and other Clean Up Australia Day sites at –
New Farm Park – Sydney Street Entry
Victoria Park Spring Hill – Near the Dog Off-Leash Area
Brisbane. Clean, Green, Sustainable 2017-2031
Council is ensuring our city remains liveable for generations to come.
Council recently our Clean, Green Sustainable 2017-2031 Strategy.
It highlights key achievements and promotes Council’s reputation as a New World City.
It gives us a clear action plan for achieving our clean, green, sustainable vision for Brisbane.
I want Brisbane to be a global leader in sustainability and we are well on the way towards achieving this goal.
Our goal is to have 40% of Brisbane in green space by 2031 and we are currently at around 37%.
Council manages over 9,500 hectares of natural areas, with a total park estate of more than 15,000 hectares.
As Australia’s most sustainable city, we understand the importance of reducing our environmental footprint.
We can all take steps to lead a more sustainable lifestyle:
- Reducing our energy use and household waste.
- Protecting our waterways, native plants and wildlife.
- Making better travel choices.
- Minimising our impact on the natural environment.
We have a plan to keep Brisbane sustainable, and our commitment to making Brisbane the cleanest and greenest city in Australia is clear.
There’s some more information about our commitment at www.vickihoward.com/changingclimate