Doggett and Chester Pedestrian Safety Improvements June 2021
Upgrades are underway at a Newstead and Teneriffe to make it safer and easier for pedestrians to get across one the area’s busiest intersections.
Central Ward Councillor Vicki Howard said the Schrinner Council was investing in the suburbs, with this upgrade at the intersection of Chester and Doggett streets the latest improvement to be delivered in Central.
“Ensuring safer pedestrian movement is key to encouraging everyone to make sustainable transport choices,” Cr Howard said.
“There has been a surge in cyclist and pedestrian activity on bikeways and footpaths across Brisbane since the coronavirus crisis began, and even as restrictions have eased, a lot of residents have made a lifestyle change and demand for more active transport options is only going to increase.
“That’s why I’m delighted to have secured funding for pedestrian improvements along busy Doggett Street and Chester Streets.
“Along with the associated minor pavement works and line markings, this project will make huge difference to the pedestrian-friendly experience of Fortitude Valley, Teneriffe and Newstead.
The following works are being completed at this intersection to make crossing easier and safer
- installing a pedestrian refuge crossing with kerb build outs on Doggett Street, west of Chester Street
- installing two splitter islands with associated line marking on Chester Street on both north and south approaches to Doggett Street
- installing kerb ramps and upgrading small sections of footpath
Weather permitting, works are due to be completed by the end of July 2021 – We thank you for your continued patience as our Brisbane City Council crews and contractors move around the area.
For more information about how we are building a better Brisbane, and for our infrastructure plans for 2021/22 across Central Ward and the City, just visit https://vickihoward.com/central-ward-infrastructure-wins/ and https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/about-council/council-information-and-rates/news-and-publications/council-annual-plan-and-budget/council-annual-plan-and-budget-2021-22