CityCats bring 500 per cent passenger increase at Howard Smith Wharves

CityCats Lifestyle Win CityCats bring 500 per cent passenger increase at Howard Smith Wharves   The arrival of CityCats at Howard Smith Wharves has proven popular with a 500 per cent increase in passengers travelling by river from the lifestyle precinct. Almost 20,000 CityCat trips have been made from the Howard Smith Wharves [...]

CityCats bring 500 per cent passenger increase at Howard Smith Wharves2024-07-19T01:01:14+00:00

Election commitments delivered in 2024/25 Budget

CityCats to Howard Smith Wharves - Budget 24/25 - Election Commitments Delivered  The 2024-25 Budget confirms our Schrinner Council’s commitments to keep Brisbane moving while taking pressure off household rates and rents. The $4 billion Budget incorporates Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner’s suite of election commitments, including the return of $2 Summer Dips, new [...]

Election commitments delivered in 2024/25 Budget2024-06-12T02:44:27+00:00

Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation

HSW Cliff remediation Map Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation   We will be undertaking works to remediate the Howard Smith Wharves cliffs from late January 2024. Since we created your Howard Smith Wharves lifestyle precinct, I have organised for our teams to proactively manage the cliff face through regular monitoring and maintenance.  We [...]

Howard Smith Wharves cliff remediation2024-02-13T01:42:59+00:00

Wilson’s Outlook to undergo major makeover

  Brisbane City Council will soon commence a major makeover of Wilson’s Outlook Reserve, as part of plans to transform it into an iconic Brisbane lookout.   Local Councillor Vicki Howard said the upgrade would connect the reserve to the city’s newest lifestyle destination, with lifts linking Wilson’s Outlook and Bowen Terrace to the Howard [...]

Wilson’s Outlook to undergo major makeover2018-11-09T07:13:54+00:00

Bowen Terrace

  COMMUNITY CONSULTATION - PARKING CHANGES IN FORTITUDE VALLEY AND NEW FARM   Brisbane City Council is seeking feedback on proposed works that aim to balance on-street parking demand on Bowen Terrace and neighbouring streets, in preparation for the completion of the Howard Smith Wharves redevelopment in late-2018. Howard Smith Wharves will be a vibrant and [...]

Bowen Terrace2018-05-30T07:05:10+00:00

Howard Smith Wharves

The Howard Smith Wharves redevelopment is transforming an underutilised site to create a new Brisbane landmark. The 3.43 hectare site will be transformed into a riverside precinct with more than 2.7 hectares of public open space, a 164 room hotel, an exhibition centre and restaurants and cafes. It will connect the New Farm Riverwalk and [...]

Howard Smith Wharves2017-02-08T06:22:57+00:00
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