Council to trial alternative approach to composting in New Farm

  Council is turning coffee grounds and eggshells into community compost as part of a new food organics collection system trial at the popular New Farm Community Composting Hub.   Residents will be invited to dispose of household food scraps at the Community Composting Hub in New Farm Park, which will then be turned into [...]

Council to trial alternative approach to composting in New Farm2023-03-31T00:17:59+00:00

Council’s solar program enough to power nearly 700 homes

Solar panels reach 7000 Solar panels reach 7000  as the Schrinner Council leads the charge in creating a clean, green and sustainable city.  Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said rooftop solar had been rolled out at more than 40 sites across Brisbane, including libraries, environment centres, cemeteries and works depots. “We are proud to be certified carbon [...]

Council’s solar program enough to power nearly 700 homes2021-08-10T01:28:03+00:00

Clean, green and carbon neutral Council leads the way

  Brisbane City Council has achieved a 100 per cent carbon neutral status for the first time, continuing to fulfil ourvision of a clean, green and sustainable Brisbane.   As an organisation Council had effectively eliminated its carbon footprints through offsets, by using green power and through a suite of energy efficiency and emission reduction [...]

Clean, green and carbon neutral Council leads the way2017-02-14T05:24:09+00:00
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