Spring Hill news and events

Lunar New Year – Fortitude Valley 2023

I'm proud to deliver Lunar New Year 2023 in the heart of Central Ward in Fortitude Valley. As Chairman of Communities, Arts and the Nighttime Economy, I know Fortitude Valley is one of our city’s greatest cultural assets.  That's why we continued to invest and deliver more to see and do for residents and visitors. [...]

Lunar New Year – Fortitude Valley 20232023-01-17T01:13:03+00:00

Brisbane to get more bus services more often

More bus services more often will be delivered to commuters as part of Council’s plan to evolve transport in Brisbane with Brisbane’s New Bus Network. Civic Cabinet Chair for Transport Ryan Murphy said Brisbane’s New Bus Network will ensure Brisbane has the services needed to meet future demand. “Brisbane is Australia’s fastest growing capital city [...]

Brisbane to get more bus services more often2022-10-24T01:27:02+00:00

Women in business grant returns for a second big year

Women are smart, creative and innovative business leaders who are making a significant contribution to the economic growth of Central  Ward and this city - the Women In Business Grants mean Brisbane businesswomen can apply for a share of $250,000 to help grow their companies, with the return of the successful Lord Mayor’s Women in [...]

Women in business grant returns for a second big year2022-10-06T01:33:06+00:00

New Farm Queer Film Festival

I am proud to announce my support for the Pride Business Network's first iteration of the New Farm Queer Film Festival which takes place October 20-27, 2022. Having celebrated one hundred years as a cinema in 2021, the film festival takes place in a theatre that has a long history of screening queer interest films & [...]

New Farm Queer Film Festival2022-10-05T03:31:48+00:00

Sign up to Brisbane Severe Weather Alerts and chance to win a trip to Tangalooma Resort

Residents will get a chance to win from a suite of prizes by signing up to Council’s free weather alert service from August 31.   A family trip to Tangalooma Resort, a trailer full of tools and household emergency kits will all be up for grabs to residents who sign up to receive Brisbane Severe [...]

Sign up to Brisbane Severe Weather Alerts and chance to win a trip to Tangalooma Resort2022-08-31T06:05:53+00:00

Brisbane-first sign trial to slow down cyclists

  Flashing awareness signs that remind cyclists and e-mobility riders to slow down have been switched on at two locations as part of a Brisbane-first trial.   Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said the Bicycle Awareness Monitors work the same way as the popular smiling Speed Awareness Monitors which have proven extremely effective in improving driver [...]

Brisbane-first sign trial to slow down cyclists2022-08-17T06:28:45+00:00

Record $1.1 billion spent with local businesses

  A record $1.1 billion has been spent with local businesses in the past 12 months as part of Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner's Brisbane Buy Local Policy. Cr Schrinner said his policy, which was introduced in 2019, ensured at least 80 per cent of the annual procurement spend goes to South East Queensland businesses.   [...]

Record $1.1 billion spent with local businesses2022-08-16T03:21:46+00:00

Brisbane hosts Australia’s biggest citizenship ceremonies

Australia's Largest Citizenship Ceremonies will be held in Brisbane this week.   Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said 5200 new citizens will be sworn in over two nights on Tuesday and Wednesday to help address the backlog of people waiting following the COVID-19 pandemic.   Cr Schrinner said the huge number of people from around the [...]

Brisbane hosts Australia’s biggest citizenship ceremonies2022-08-16T00:41:59+00:00

Don’t let the State Government turn our streets into public urinals!

Don’t let the State Government turn our streets into public urinals!   Brisbane has always been known as a clean city, but now the State Government is considering changes to their laws that would allow public urination in Brisbane through the State Parliament's COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND SERVICES COMMITTEE. The Schrinner Council has invested [...]

Don’t let the State Government turn our streets into public urinals!2022-12-21T04:53:56+00:00

Tackling housing affordability locally

Tackling housing affordability locally is a priority of ours and we will introduce a new rating category for owners who use accommodation websites to lease suburban homes like hotels  - pressuring them to return these properties to the long-term rental market.   The new Transitory Accommodation rating category will help tackle housing affordability and Brisbane’s [...]

Tackling housing affordability locally2022-06-15T03:42:03+00:00
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